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Can I retroactively adjust the max. number of class participants?

In times of Corona a lot of flexibility is demanded from you and your participants.

If you have created your courses with a maximum number of participants and you need to reduce the number of participants, you can proceed as follows.

1. on the web | Classes
  • edit
  • open the class
  • reduce the number of participants (example from 12 to 9)

Important: Participants who are registered for the dates remain registered. This means that appointments may be overbooked.

2. Inform your participants

  • via e-abo message
  • email

Text suggestion: Dear participants, due to the new Corona guidelines I have to reduce the number of participants from xx to x. I try to make this as fair as possible. Those who have been cancelled on a date will receive an e-abo message. As soon as you have been canceled on an appointment, you can put yourself on the waiting list for appointments in which you would like to participate. You will be moved up as soon as a place becomes available.

3. Unsubscribe participants on individual appointments in the app
  • open e-abo
  • touch on | classes
  • swipe on the course |Scheduler
  • here you have the overview, which dates are overbooked
  • cancel participants individually – cancelled participants are informed via e-abo message


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