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QR code & URL on your website

Place your QR code on your website.

    1. Customers scan the QR code.
    2. Your e-abo landing page opens with information about installing e-abo.
    3. Scanning again leads to your offer in the e-abo app.

If you have the possibility, link the QR code with the URL. The advantage is that when you open your website on your smartphone, tapping the QR code will lead your customers to your e-abo landing page.

    1. Customers who have already installed e-abo can reach your offer directly in the app by scanning/tapping the QR code.
    2. Customers reach your offer directly in the app.

Your  e-abo Landing Page:

This page is displayed when visitors scan your QR code or click on your URL.


Use your QR code in your school/studio.

Print your QR code and place it in your school/studio.

Example of use:

New customers enter your school/studio for the first time.

    1. Scan the QR code
    2. Register themselves
    3. Send you a request
    4. or can buy your offer directly via e-abo Pay!

The new customer is entered directly into your participant database. There is no need for manual entry.

E-mail, flyer, miscellaneous

Place your QR code (link the URL) in your email signature.

Application example e-mail

If you receive email requests from customers ask them to scan the QR code, complete the registration and send a request via e-abo App.

Application example Flyer

Place your QR code on your flyers, business cards, etc.


Place your QR code on social media posts, your Facebook profile, etc.



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