Step 3 | Informe your participants
You can decide when to inform your participants – you can do that also after Step 4.
You can inform the participants before creating the booking or after. Decide what suits you best.
Please watch the participant videos before sending email to your participants – so you know how the app works for them.
Email example [Option 1] —> You create the booking at a later point in time
Good day
I am using e-abo to support my class organization. e-abo is free of charge, offers you an up-to-date overview of your courses, and is easy to use.
In order for you to use the app, your first name, last name and email address will be recorded in e-abo. If you do not want to use the app, let me know no later than 3 days after this email.
Please use the app, too, as it offers many advantages for both of us.
What happens next?
- You will receive an email from e-abo [shortly] [on DD.MM.YYYY] with registration information. (Important: Check also your spam folder). Please wait for the e-abo email to ensure that the connection to my school/studio is taking place.
- After your registration, please complete your profile. Watch the e-abo intro video for a quick start:
- Am [TT.MM.YYYY] erstelle ich deine Buchung in e-abo. Danach kannst du dich direkt in e-abo an Kurstermine an- oder abmelden.
Are you signed up for a class date and can’t make it? Then simply sign out for this date via the e-abo app. This way, another participant can book the place.
All info about your booking is available in the app:
Invoice/course confirmation.
- Once I have created your booking you will receive an e-abo message with the booking information.
- When you have paid the amount and I have set your booking to paid, you will automatically receive an invoice/payment confirmation from e-abo. Note: That is why it is important that your address is added to your profile.
If you have questions about e-abo or a problem during registration just send an email to Heike
Thank you very much for participating
Email-Beispiel [Option 2] —> You create the booking in advance
Good day
I am using e-abo to support my class organization. e-abo is free of charge, offers you an up-to-date overview of your courses, and is easy to use.
In order for you to use the app, your first name, last name and email address will be recorded in e-abo. If you do not want to use the app, let me know no later than 3 days after this email.
Please use the app, too, as it offers many advantages for both of us.
What happens next?
- You will receive an email from e-abo [shortly] [on DD.MM.YYYY] with registration information. (Important: Check also your spam folder). Please wait for the e-abo email to ensure that the connection to my school/studio is taking place.
- After your registration, please complete your profile. Watch the e-abo intro video for a quick start:
- Your booking is already created in e-abo and you can sign in or out of class dates directly.
Are you signed up for a class date and can’t make it? Then simply sign out for this date via the e-abo app. This way, another participant can book the place.
All info about your booking is available in the app:
Invoice/course confirmation.
- Once I have created your booking you will receive an e-abo message with the booking information.
- When you have paid the amount and I have set your booking to paid, you will automatically receive an invoice/payment confirmation from e-abo. Note: That is why it is important that your address is added to your profile.
If you have questions about e-abo or a problem during registration just send an email to Heike
Thank you very much for participating